Advizex Disaster Recovery as a Service Fit the Bill.
Advizex Disaster Recovery as a Service Fit the Bill.
Under pressure from customers and investors to build a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, this financial software client found themselves with a tight budget and in need of a comprehensive strategy that meets customers’ expectations. Partnered with Advizex, this client was able to identify gaps in their protection and build backup and disaster recovery solutions that didn’t break the bank.
Success Story Snapshot:
- Disaster recovery for this client was virtually non-existent. In the event of a disaster, business functions could be offline for days or weeks.
- Significant budget constraints meant this client had a limited ability to invest in owning disaster recovery resources outright. Expensive solutions like additional servers and duplicate hardware were not an option.
- By taking a cloud-based backup and disaster recovery approach, this client can rest easy knowing they’d be up and running in under 24 hours should disaster strike.
Historically, companies have approached disaster recovery and backup by buying space in data centers, allocating budget to physical servers and hiring in-house employees who specialize in running it all. This means a lot of company resources wind up getting tied up in expensive solutions that are only needed a fraction of the time.
With the development of on-demand cloud services, the disaster recovery and backup plans for companies like our client have been considerably streamlined. Because Advizex put a strategy in place that backs up our client’s data in multiple places, both on-premises and within the cloud, we’re not only able to deliver disaster recovery capable of fully restoring business function in under 24 hours, but we also did it at a fraction of the cost.
This enabled our client to present a full disaster recovery and backup plan to their customers that met all requirements, covered them fully across a range of disaster scenarios and didn’t require huge investments in physical infrastructure or additional staffing.
The Advizex Approach.
While satisfying customers’ protection requirements was key for our client, Advizex knew that the solution presented also needed to deliver full recovery within 24 hours and do so on a very tight monthly budget. Advizex helped set up a “Three-Two-One” approach, meaning the client runs with a copy of their data in production, one backup copy and then also has an air-gapped copy on-premises. The backup appliance on site is only able to be reached via the network during certain times of day while a backup is in progress.
If the client finds themselves needing to recover and primary storage is infected, destroyed or encrypted, their air-gapped backup is still protected. Finally, a third copy of data is stored in AWS on the cloud, so in the event of a disaster, Advizex’s managed services team will restore from backup using their cloud infrastructure. In any event, Advizex can have this client up and running again in under 24 hours.
Advizex Presents Evolved Solutions.
Historically, IT investment as it relates to disaster recovery and backup has been an expensive, necessary evil for companies. As threats to our data multiply and technology advances at a blistering pace, companies need a partner that can guarantee cutting-edge protection and recovery services for their data. This protection and recovery not only gives businesses the ability to remain running throughout a disaster, but it also provides peace of mind for their customers who want to know that their data is safe from being exposed or compromised by bad actors.